Conservation agriculture short course

1. Introduction to the farm as an eco-business (Facilitator: James Blignaut)

1.1 ‘Leaks’ on the farm that influence your profitability


1.2 Basic introduction to farm economics


1.3 The paradigm of regeneration

Photo credit: Hendrik Smith


2. Introduction to ecosystems (capital), ecosystems functions (process) and ecoservices (flows or returns) (Facilitator: Andrew Ardington)

2.1 Farm with nature


2.2 Basic introduction to farm ecology


2.3 Plant-soil-water-economy relationship (by eco-type)

Photo credit: Andrew Ardington


3. Introduction to CA/RA production system for different contexts (Facilitator: Hendrik Smith)

3.1 Basic intro to CA principles


3.2 Evidence-based outcomes

3.2.1 Grain crops

Photo credit: Hendrik Smith

3.2.2   Livestock

3.2.3   Horticulture


4. Introduction to CA/RA practices for different contexts (Facilitator: Hendrik Smith)

4.1 Basic intro to CA practices


4.2 In South Africa and international case studies and experiences

4.2.1 Grain production

4.2.2 Livestock

4.2.3 Horticulture

 4.2.4   Smallholders


Photo credit: Hendrik Smith


5. Assessing on-farm impact and progress of CA/RA implementation (Facilitator: Hendrik Smith)


6. From theory to practice (Facilitator: Andrew Ardington)

6.1 Steps of adaptation and implementation of on-farm CA/RA. What must you do?


6.2 Monitoring your progress and change.

Photo credit: Andrew Ardington


7. Value chain / Global context (Facilitator: James Blignaut)

7.1 Value chain analysis by branch and changing the place of entry into the value chain


7.2 Farmer innovations


8. Life after the CA/RA course (networks, mentorships)

Photo credit: Andrew Ardington



James Blignaut

Andrew Ardington

Hendrik Smith

ASSET Research presents a short course on Conservation Agriculture. This is a self-study, online, non-accredited course which gives a complete overview of the field of conservation agriculture.