1. Introduction to the farm as an eco-business (Facilitator: James Blignaut)
1.1 ‘Leaks’ on the farm that influence your profitability
1.2 Basic introduction to farm economics
- Regenerative farming: A mere buzzword or a sound financial consideration; Prof James Blignaut
- The economics of restoration; Prof James Blignaut
- The economics of restoration and conservation; Prof James Blignaut
- Financial benefits of converting to CA – Graan SA
- Groei sonder herlewing is negatief – Graan SA
1.3 The paradigm of regeneration
- Restoration pays; Prof James Blignaut
- Regenerative - The new Sustainable; Leah V. Gibbons, Maharishi International University, USA
- Conservation agriculture in rainfed annual crop production in South Africa; JA Strauss, PA Swanepoel, MC Laker & HJ Smith
- From the ground up - Regenerative Agriculture; Charles Massy
- Conservation agriculture is an opportunity for change - Food For Mzansi, Mary Maluleke
- Conservation agriculture: Address silent change barriers - Food For Mzansi
- Conservation agriculture: Adopt perfect practices - Food For Mzansi
- Save on production costs with conservation agriculture - Food For Mzansi
- Conservation agriculture research in South Africa; Dr Hendrik Smith

Photo credit: Hendrik Smith
2. Introduction to ecosystems (capital), ecosystems functions (process) and ecoservices (flows or returns) (Facilitator: Andrew Ardington)
2.1 Farm with nature
- Why Carbon Credits Are the Next Opportunity for Farmers; Trey Hill/ CNBC
- Plants are Cool; Don Smith/ Kiss the Ground
- Messages from Nature that Life is Lacking in the Soil; Dr Elaine Ingham
- Building Great Soil Starts with Adding Plants; Diego Footer
- Soil Health Principles; Ray Archuleta
2.2 Basic introduction to farm ecology
- The key to stimulating Soil Biology; John Kempf, Advancing Eco Agriculture
- Understanding Our Soil: The Nitrogen Cycle, Fixers, and Fertilizer; Jimi Sol
- The Living Soil: How Unseen Microbes Affect the Food We Eat; Morehead Planetarium & Science Center
- What is the Soil Food Web; Soil Food Web School
- Soil Carbon Sequestration and the Soil Food Web; Soil Food Web School
- Soil Quality; Rattan Lal (8:00 – 10:26)
- Quorum Sensing In The Soil Microbiome; Dr Christine Jones
- The role of soil animal diversity to produce healthy and resilient soil; Dr Charlene Janion
- Farm Profits in Root Depth; Dr Elaine Ingham
- Phosphorus cycling in pasture grazing systems and importance of soil microbiology; Alan Richardson
- Weeds; Dr Elaine Ingham
2.3 Plant-soil-water-economy relationship (by eco-type)
- Rebuilding The Soil Carbon Sponge, and Cooling the Climate Fast; Walter Jehne
- Restore the natural ecosystem processes; Glenn Morris
- Climate Change: The Water Paradigm; Jimi Sol
- Groter kans vir sukses met ’n deklaag - GraanSA
- Dié ernstige skade aan grond kan voorkom word - GraanSA

Photo credit: Andrew Ardington
3. Introduction to CA/RA production system for different contexts (Facilitator: Hendrik Smith)
3.1 Basic intro to CA principles
- Principles of CA (About CA); ARC/Grain SA educational video
- Guide to Regenerative Agriculture (Why is it important?); Kiss The Ground
- What is Regenerative Agriculture; Jimi Sol
- Conservation-agriculture; Asset Research
- An Approach to Understand Conservation Agriculture; Anwesha Dey et al. In: Sustainable Agriculture Systems and Technologies
3.2 Evidence-based outcomes
3.2.1 Grain crops
- Principles of CA (How to get going); ARC/Grain SA educational video
- Principles of CA (Crop rotation); ARC/Grain SA educational video
- RA research results and adoption rates in SA; Dr Hendrik Smith
- Soil Microscopy: A View into Regenerative Organic Soils; Northeast Organic Farming Association of NY
- Projects; Asset Research
- Regenerative agricultural practices - saviour or scam; A C Franke, E Kotzé, M C Mathye

Photo credit: Hendrik Smith
3.2.2 Livestock
- Regenerating Grassland: How to Stop Grasslands From Turning Into Deserts. Author: Adam Khan, co-founder of End Political Contributions and author of the books, Fill Your Tank With Freedom and Self-Reliance Translated
- Carbon Mooooves — Smiling Tree Farm.
- Grazing Down the Carbon: The Scientific Case for Grassland Restoration with Richard Teague (video)
- Regenerative agricultural practices - saviour or scam; A C Franke, E Kotzé, M C Mathye
3.2.3 Horticulture
- 10 Regenerative Agriculture Practices Growers Should Follow (by heliae.com)
- Soil Restoration: 5 Core Principles, by Christine Jones | EcoFarming Daily
4. Introduction to CA/RA practices for different contexts (Facilitator: Hendrik Smith)
4.1 Basic intro to CA practices
- Cover Crop grazing; Isaiah Jones, Kinwood Farm
- How to grow crops that resist pest attacks; Dr Elaine Ingham
- Demonstration: How Ruminants Improve Water Retention; Allan Savory
- The value of soil cover; Ant Muirhead
- Herlewingslandbou boeredag Ottosdal; Landbouweekliks
- CA and Cover Crops; GrainSA
- CA - A Fresh Approach; GrainSA
- Influence of Leguminous Cover Crops on Soil Chemical and Biological Properties in a No‐Till Tropical Fruit Orchard; Ariel Freidenreich et al.
4.2 In South Africa and international case studies and experiences
4.2.1 Grain production
- Conservation Agriculture in South Africa; Grain SA
- CA Farmer Danie Slabbert, Reitz; Grain SA
- CA Farmer Izak Dreyer, Vrede; Grain SA
- CA Farmer Koos Bezuidenhout, Migdol; Grain SA
- CA Farmer Cobus van Coller, Viljoenskroon; Grain SA
- CA Farmer Bruce Shepherd, Bergville; Grain SA
- CA Farmer Anthony Muirhead, Winterton; Grain SA
- CA Farmer Bertie Coetzee, Prieska; Grain SA
- CA Farmer Koki Mokoka, Vanderbijlpark; Grain SA
- Drought mitigation through CA, Langgewens, Tygerhoek and Riversdale; Western Cape Department of Agriculture
4.2.2 Livestock
- Regenerative Farmer Barry Meijer, Oudtshoorn; GreenBio
- Livestock Farmer James Brodie, Klein-Karoo; GreenBio
- Holistic land management in the Karoo, Roland Kroon; GreenBio
- Utilising livestock in the rehabilitation of grazing in the wildlife industry, Johan Bouwer; GreenBio
- A New (Re)Generation, by Kiss The Ground (video)
- Charles Massy | Regenerative Agriculture's Great Catalyst (Australia) – podcast by Charlie Arnott, in Regeneration Journey
4.2.3 Horticulture
- Integrating Horticulture as Integral part of a Regenerative Farming System - Groundswell 2022 (video)
- Gardening With Livestock, by Takota Coen, Canada (video)
- CA Farmer Bertie Coetzee, Prieska; Grain SA
- Beautiful 8 Acre Permaculture Farm Combines Trees, Livestock, and a Productive CSA Market Garden, by Regenerative Films (video)
4.2.4 Smallholders
- Smallholder CA; Bergville; Grain SA
- Regenerative agriculture seen as answer to averting Africa's growing food crisis | Reuters Events | Sustainable Business

Photo credit: Hendrik Smith
5. Assessing on-farm impact and progress of CA/RA implementation (Facilitator: Hendrik Smith)
- Assessing Soil Health Using a Microscope Part 1; Meredith Leigh
- Assessing Soil Health Using a Microscope Part 2; Meredith Leigh
- Assessing Soil Health Using a Microscope Part 3; Meredith Leigh
- Assessing Soil Health Using a Microscope Part 4; Meredith Leigh
- Soil Quality index; Rattan Lal
- Water Infiltration Test & Comparison; Land Stewardship Project
- Water Infiltration in No-Till vs. Conventional Soil; Kelly Attebury
- Stikstofbestuur C: N, Roelie Steyn; Bewaringslandbou Wes-Kaap
- Plant Sap Analysis - How to take a sample; Crop Health Labs
- Bio-stimulants and -fertilisers; Fritz Otto
- Soil quality indicators in conventional and conservation tillage systems in the Brazilian Cerrado; Luiz Alberto da Silva Rodrigues Pinto et al. Environmental Earth Sciences
- Identify Differences in Weed Spatial Distribution between Conventional and Conservation Agriculture; Nebojša Nikolic et al. Sustainability
6. From theory to practice (Facilitator: Andrew Ardington)
6.1 Steps of adaptation and implementation of on-farm CA/RA. What must you do?
- Herlewingslandbou en Presisie Tegnologie; Danie bester
- Gaining Ground: Successful No-till Farmers Tell Their Stories; The Downstream Project
- A Regenerative Secret; Dr Allen Williams
- Handbook of Regenerative Agriculture; USAID
- Bio-stimulants in Plant Science: A Global Perspective; Oleg I. Yakhin
- Benut die natuur se gratis dienste – Graan SA
- Só integreer ons vee in ’n bewaringstelsel – Graan SA
6.2 Monitoring your progress and change.
- How Sheep Farming Makes Soil Healthier In South Africa; Channels Tv
- Disappearing dust storms, Rene Stubbs, Karkloof; Western Province No-till Club
- The burnt mulch, Anthony Muirhead; Western Province No-till Club
- Soil fertility and soil health; Neil Miles

Photo credit: Andrew Ardington
7. Value chain / Global context (Facilitator: James Blignaut)
7.1 Value chain analysis by branch and changing the place of entry into the value chain
- Heal the land heal the people 1; Dr Hendrik Smith
- Heal the land heal the people 3; Dr Pieter Prinsloo
- Heal the land heal the people 5; Prof James Blignaut
- Food Rules; Michael Pollan
7.2 Farmer innovations
- We Are Joyce Farms; Joyce Farms: Joyce Farms Heritage Aberdeen Angus Beef / Joyce Farms Heritage Poultry
- Regenerative Agriculture - Grass Fed vs Grain Fed; RegenAg SA
- Sustainability in the South African Dairy Industry – a project by MilkSA; ReStory
- Farm with mother nature; GreenBio
8. Life after the CA/RA course (networks, mentorships)
- Educational Stewardship Program; Kiss The Ground
- Grow Healthier Soil, Food and Profits; Soil Health Academy
- Soil Health, Planet Health, Human Health; RegenAg SA
- Herlewingslandbou Boeredae; Dr Hendrik Smith
- Siening en redes vir betrokkenheid in ‘n bewaringslandbou proef, Hendrik Odendaal, Standerton; Landbouweekblad
- Siening en redes vir betrokkenheid in ‘n bewaringslandbou proef, Nicol de Vos, Kinross; Landbouweekblad
- Food Club Hub; Regenerative Agriculture Association of SA

Photo credit: Andrew Ardington
James Blignaut
Andrew Ardington
Hendrik Smith
ASSET Research presents a short course on Conservation Agriculture. This is a self-study, online, non-accredited course which gives a complete overview of the field of conservation agriculture.