Conservation agriculture video galleries

An in-depth financial analysis of different crop-livestock systems in the Mpumalanga Highveld, Maluti eastern Free State and North West summer rainfall regions

Conservation agriculture - a brief reflection on the Maize Trust supported research

Regenerative agriculture webinar 2021 / Herlewingslandbou webinaar 2021

01 - LBW Herlewingslandbou James Blignaut

02 - LBW Herlewingslandbou Gerhard du Preez

03 - LBW Herlewingslandbou Prof Erik Holm

04 - LBW Herlewingslandbou Hannes Botha

07 - LBW Herlewingslandbou Roland Kroon

05 - LBW Herlewingslandbou Danie Bester

06 - LBW Herlewingslandbou Dr Hendrik Smith

Heal the land, heal the people

Herbivores and rangelands conference James Blignaut

Why we must invest in the regenerative restoration of soil

Heal the land, heal the people: the contribution of cattle

Heal the land heal the people, Session 1, Heal the land

Conservation agriculture - plant the water

Rhodes lecture 2 - The economics of restoration

Shepherds of the soil (examples)

Shepherds of the Soil 2: Smallholder Conservation Agriculture in South Africa

Shepherds of the Soil 3 | Conservation Agriculture

Shepherds of the Soil 9 | Bertie Coetzee

Shepherds of the Soil 4: Conservation Farmer

CA trial videos shot on site in the Mpumalanga Highveld

Aktiwiteite Tydens Veldwerk op Bewaringslandbou Proef (Dr Hendrik Smith)

Bewaringslandbou: Aktiwiteite Tydens Veldwerk op Bewaringslandbou Proef (Nicol De Vos)

Verskillende Stelsels wat in ‘n Bewaringslandbou Proef Vergelyk Word (Dr Jaap Knot)

Die Integrasie van Dekgewasse en Vee in ‘n Bewaringslandbou Proef (Gerrie Trytsman)

Toestande met die vestiging van ‘n bewaringslandbou proef (Dr Hendrik Smith)

Hendrik Odendaal se siening en redes vir betrokkenheid in ‘n bewaringslandbou proef (Hendrik Odendaal)

Grondgesondheid-metings op ‘n bewaringslandbou proef, Standerton, Mpumalanga (Dr Gerhard du Preez)

Biologiese grondontledings op ‘n bewaringslandbou proef, Standerton, Mpumalanga (Ane Loggenberg)

About conservation agriculture (for and in Africa)

ARC | About CA Part 1

ARC | About CA Part 2

ARC | About CA Part 3

Landbouweekliks episodes

Season 12 Ep 05 Herlewingslandbou - Boeredae (Social)

Season 12 Ep 06 Herlewingslandbou - Geskiedenis van Bewaringslandbou (Social)

Season 12 Ep 07 - Herlewingslandbou (Social)

Landbouweekliks Ottosdal Herlewingslandbou Highlight