In-depth comparative farm-level financial analysis of different production systems in selected maize-based regions of South Africa

This project aim was to conduct an in-depth farm-level financial analysis of different farming systems in selected maize-based regions of South Africa and to gather insights from various producers and institutions on their experience with the Conservation Agriculture (CA) farming system. Primary qualitative data was compiled using online questionnaires. These were duly completed by institutions, industry experts and farmers across different maize-based regions of South Africa. All data was collected, compiled and analysed.
Research focus and questions
This qualitative analysis had the following four key objectives:
1. To assess the general perceptions concerning the conversion from Conventional Tillage (CT) to No-till/Conservation Agriculture (NT/CA).
2. To assess the experiences of selected Conservation Agriculture farmers concerning their conversion from conventional tillage (CT) to no-till or Conservation Agriculture (NT/CA), their navigation of the transitions period and how they managed to operate successfully through the J-curve.
3. To assess the experiences of selected farmers concerning their view and experiences of discontinuing the use of no-till or conservation agriculture (NT/CA).
4. To ascertain an industry perspective as to the sentiment and experiences concerning no- or minimum tillage (NT) and Conservation Agriculture (CA), and the transition to it, both historically and in the future.
Annual report