
The following is a selected list of publications. A full list is available upon request.

Abu Taleb, T., J. Aronson, K. Shaw (and on behalf of the ERA of Botanic Gardens) 2016. Rays of Hope from Jordan and the Ecological Restoration Alliance of Botanic Gardens. Restoration Ecology 24: 573-576. http://dx.doi:10.1111/rec.12380

Aguilar, M., J. Sierra, O. Vargas, Z. Calle, W. Ramirez, W. Vargas, C. Murcia, J. Aronson & J.I. Barrera Cataño 2015. Towards a Post-conflict Colombia. Restoring to the Future. Restoration Ecology 23:4-6.

Alexander, S., J. Aronson, O. Whaley & D. Lamb 2016. The relationship between ecological restoration and the ecosystem services concept. Ecology & Society 21(1)34.

Aronson, J. & D. Moreno-Mateos 2015. Etat des lieux sur les actions de restauration écologique. (Feasibility and Effectiveness of Ecological Restoration: Current State of the Art). In: H. Levrel, N. Frascaria-Lacoste, J. Hay, G. Martin, & S. Pioch, editors. Restaurer la nature pour compenser les impacts du développement. QUAE, Paris. Pp. 162-169.

Aronson, J. 2015. Restauración de qué, por qué, y para quién? In: M. Aguilar-Garavito & W. Ramírez, Editors. Monitoreo a Procesos de Restauración Ecológica aplicado a ecosistemas Terrestres Tropicales. Instituto de Investigación Alexander von Humboldt. Bogotá, D.C., Colombia. (In Spanish). Pp. 9-12. ISBN 978-958-8889-29-0

Aronson, J. 2015. Custos e benefícios da perspectiva de restauração do capital natural. In: P. Brancalion, R. Ribeiro Rodrigues, S. Gandolfi, eds. Restauração Florestal. Oficina de Textos: São Paulo. Brasil. (In Portuguese). Pp. 23-25.  ISBN: 978-85-7975-019-9.

Aronson, J. 2016. La Restauración Ecológica en México: Rayos de esperanza. In: E. Ceccon & C. Martínez-Garza. Eds. Experiencias Mexicanas en la Restauración de ecosistemas. UNAM, Mexico City. Mexico. Pp.19-22. (In Spanish).

Aronson, J. C., C. M. Blatt and T. B. Aronson 2016. Restoring ecosystem health
to improve human health and well-being: physicians and restoration ecologists
unite in a common cause. Ecology and Society 21 (4):39. [online] URL:

Aronson, J., A. Clewell, D. Moreno-Mateos 2016. Ecological restoration and ecological engineering: Complementary or indivisable? Ecological Engineering 91:392-395.

Aronson, J., Blignaut, J. and Aronson, T. 2017.  Conceptual frameworks and references for landscape-scale restoration: Reflecting back and looking forward.  Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden.  102(2):188-200,

Aronson, J., D. Simberloff, A. Ricciardi & N. Goodwin 2018. Restoration science does not need redefinition. Nature Ecology & Evolution 2:916.

Aronson, J., J.N. Blignaut & T.B. Aronson 2017. Conceptual frameworks and references for landscape-scale restoration: Reflecting back and looking forward. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 102: 188-200.

Aronson, J., N. Goodwin, L. Orlando, C. Eisenberg and A.T. Cross 2020. A World of Possibilities: Six Restoration Strategies to support the United Nation's Decade on Ecosystem Restoration. Restoration Ecology 28(4).

Aronson, J., P.B. Phillipson, E. Le Floc’h & T. Raminosoa 2018. Dryland tree data for the Southwest region of Madagascar: alpha-level data can support policy decisions for conserving and restoring ecosystems of arid and semiarid regions. Madagascar Conservation and Development.13: 60-69.

Aronson, J., T. B. Aronson, M.  A. Patzelt, S. Knees, G. Lewis, D. Lupton, H. Taifour, M.F. Gardner, H. Thompson, S. Al Hatmi & A.W. Al Khulaidi 2017. Paleorelicts or archaeophytes: enigmatic trees in the Middle East. J. Arid Environments 137: 69-82.

Aronson, T. and J. Aronson 2019. Desert Trees. Natural History. November 19, 36-40.

Bester, R., Blignaut, J.N., and Crookes, D.  2019.  The impact of human behaviour and restoration on the economic lifespan of the proposed Ntabelanga and Laleni dams, South Africa. Water Resources Economics. 26,100126.

Bester, R., Blignaut, J.N., and van Niekerk, P.H. 2020.  The cost-effectiveness of water augmentation and management: assessing the Unit Reference Value.   Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering, 62(2):39–44.

Blignaut, J., Crookes, D., Saki, A.  2017.  The demand for ecosystem services of different calf production systems in South Africa.  African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 12(2):158-173.

Blignaut, J., Inglesi-Lotz, R, and Weideman, J. 2015. Sectoral electricity elasticities in South Africa: Before and after the electricity supply crisis of 2008.  South African journal of Science, 111(9/10):1-7.

Blignaut, J.N. 2019.  Making investment in natural capital count.  Ecosystem Services, 37:100927.

Blignaut, J.N. and Aronson, J. 2020.  Developing a restoration narrative: a pathway towards system-wide healing and a restorative culture.  Ecological Economics, 168:106483.

Blignaut, J.N., J. Aronson 2020.  Developing a restoration narrative: A pathway towards system-wide healing and a restorative culture. Ecological Economics 168: 106483.

Blignaut, J.N., Knot, J., Smith, H., Nkambule, N., Crookes, D., Saki, A., Drimie, S.... 2015. Promoting and advancing the uptake of sustainable, regenerative, conservation agricultural practices in South Africa with a specific focus on dryland maize and extensive beef: Key findings and recommendations.

Blignaut, J.N., Mander, M., Inglesi-Lotz, R., Claire-Glavan, J. and Parr, S.  2016. The amenity value of Abu Dhabi's coastal and marine resources to its beach visitors.  Ecosystem services, 19:32-41.

Brancalion, P.H.S., A. Niamir, E. Broadbent, R. Crouzeilles, F.S. Barros, A.M. Almeyda Zambrano, J. Aronson, S. Goetz, J.L. Reid, B.N. Strassburg, L.R. Tambosi, S. Wilson, & R. Chazdon 2019.  Global hotspots for restoring tropical rainforest landscapes. Science Express 5:eaav3223.

Breed, M.F., A.T. Cross, K. Wallace, K., Bradby, E. Flies, N. Goodwin, M. Jones, L. Orlando, C. Skelly, P. Weinstein & J. Aronson 2020. Ecosystem restoration – a public health intervention. EcoHealth.

Ceccon, E., J.I. Barrera-Cataño, J. Aronson & C.M. Garza 2015. The socio-ecological complexity of ecological restoration in Mexico. Restoration Ecology 23:331-336. http://dx.doi/10.1111/rec.12228

Chaves, R., G. Durigan, P. Brancalion & J. Aronson 2015. On the need of legal frameworks for assessing restoration projects success: new perspectives from São Paulo state (Brazil). Restoration Ecology 23:754-759.

Crookes D.J., and Blignaut, J.N.  2015. Debunking the myth that a legal trade will solve the rhino horn crisis: A system dynamics model for market demand.  Journal for Nature Conservation, 28:11-18, doi. 10.1016/j.jnc.2015.08.001.

Crookes D.J., and Blignaut, J.N.  2016. A categorisation and evaluation of rhino management policies.  Development Southern Africa, 33(4):459-469,

Crookes, D, Strauss, J, and Blignaut, J. 2017. The effect of rainfall variability on sustainable wheat production under no-till farming systems in the Swartland region, South Africa.  African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 12(1):62-84.

Crookes, D., and Blignaut, J.N.  2019.  An approach to classify the extinction risk of renewable natural resources harvested under open access conditions. Journal of Nature Conservation.  52:125750.

Crookes, D., and Blignaut, J.N.  2019.  Investing in natural capital and national security: a comparative review of restoration projects in South Africa. Heliyon, 5(5):e01765.

Crookes, D., and Blignaut, J.N. 2016. Predator-prey analysis using system dynamics: an application to the steel industry, SAJEMS, 19(5):733-746,

Crookes, D., Blignaut, J.N. and Le Maitre, D.  2020. The effect of accessibility and value addition on the costs of controlling invasive alien plants in South Africa: A three species system dynamics model in the fynbos and grassland biomes. Southern Forests. In press.

Cross, A., Flies, E., Wallace, K.J., Bradby, K. & Aronson, J. 2020. Four Islands, One Vision: A Regional Ecohealth Network in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand. SER News 34 (4). November, 2020.

Cross, A.T., P.G. Neville, K.W. Dixon and J. Aronson 2019. Time for a paradigm shift towards a restorative culture. Restoration Ecology 27: 924-928.

Cross, A.T., R. Young, P. Nevill, T. McDonald, K. Prach, J. Aronson, G.W. Wardell-Johnson & K.W. Dixon 2018. Appropriate aspirations for effective post-mining restoration and rehabilitation: a response to Kaźmierczak et al. Environmental Earth Sciences 77:256.

Davenport, M., Delport, M., Blignaut, J.N., Hichert, T., van der Burgh, G. 2019. Combining Theory and Wisdom in Pragmatic, Scenario-Based Decision Support for Sustainable Development.  Journal of Environmental Planning and Management.  62(4):692-716

De Wit, M. 2019. Omgewingsregeerkunde, die menslike persoon en die sosiale orde:’n hervertolking. Litnet Akademies: 'n Joernaal vir die Geesteswetenskappe, Natuurwetenskappe.

De Wit, M.P. 2016. Another look at economic approaches to environmental management and policy with reference to developments in South Africa. South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences 19 (5), 690-701.

De Wit, M.P. 2019. The Shifting Mind of Economics. Seeking Understanding, 1, 246-261.

De Wit, M.P. 2020. Coal Mining and Carbon Constraints. Coaltech            1.

De Wit, M.P., Blignaut, J.N., Knot, J., Midgley, S., Drimie, S., Crookes, D.J.... 2015. Sustainable farming as a viable option for enhanced food and nutritional security and a sustainable productive resource base. Synthesis report. Green Economy Research Report, Green Fund, Development Bank of Southern Africa.

De Wit, M.P., Crookes, D., Heun, M. 2018. An overview of salient factors, relationships and values to support integrated energy-economic system dynamics modelling. Journal of Energy in Southern Africa 29(4), 27-36.

Echeverria C., C. Smith-Ramírez, J. Aronson & J.I. Barrera Cataño 2015. Good news from Latin America. National and international restoration networks are moving forward. Restoration Ecology 23:1-3.

Elmqvist, T., H. Setälä, S, Handel, S. van der Ploeg, J. Aronson, J. Blignaut, E. Gómez-Baggethun, D.J. Nowak, J. Kronenberg, J. & R. de Groot 2015. Benefits of restoring ecosystem services in urban areas. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 14:101–108;

Elmqvist, T., Setälä, H., Handel, S., van der Ploeg, S., Aronson, J., Blignaut, JN., Gómez-Baggethun, E., Nowak, D.J., Kronenberg, J and de Groot, R. 2015. Benefits of restoring ecosystem services in urban areas.  COSUST, 14:101-108, doi. 10.1016/j.cosust.2015.05.001.

Esler, K., Downsborough, L., Roux, D., Blignaut, J., Milton, S., Le Maitre, D., and De Wit, M.  2016.  Interdisciplinary and multi-institutional higher learning: Reflecting on a South African case study investigating complex and dynamic environmental challenges.  COSUST, 19:76-86,

Esler, K.J., Downsborough, L., Roux, D.J., Blignaut, J.N. Milton, S., Le Maitre, D.... 2016. Interdisciplinary and multi-institutional higher learning: reflecting on a South African case study investigating complex and dynamic environmental challenges. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 19, 76-86.

Fernandez Barrancos, E.P., J.L. Reid, & J. Aronson 2017. Tank bromeliad transplants as an enrichment restoration strategy in southern Costa Rica. Restoration Ecology 25: 569-576. [online] URL:10.1111/rec.12463 Supporting information at:

Gann, G.D., T. McDonald, B. Walder, J. Aronson, C. Nelson, J. Jonson, C. Eisenberg, J.G. Hallett, M. R. Guariguata, J. Liu, F. Hua, C. Echeverría, K. DeCleer, E. Gonzales, & K. Dixon 2019. International principles and standards for the practice of ecological restoration. 2nd edition. Restoration Ecology 27,S1

Gann, G.D., T. McDonald, J. Aronson, K. Dixon, B. Walder, J. G. Hallett, K. Decleer, D.A Falk, E. K. Gonzales, C. Murcia, C. Nelson & A. J. Unwin 2018. The SER Standards: a globally relevant and inclusive tool for improving the practice. A reply to Higgs et al. Restoration Ecology.

Hattingh, R., Bothma, J., Mander, M., Blignaut, J., Torley, N., Truter,W. 2015.  Creating a value-generating asset from rehabilitated mining land.  Peer reviewed conference proceedings.  Mine Closure 2015 conference (

Jacob, C., F. Quétier, J. Aronson, S. Pioch & H. Levrel 2015. Vers une politique française de compensation des impacts sur la biodiversité plus efficace: défis et perspectives VertigO 14 (3).; http://dx.doi/org/10.4000/vertigo.1538

Jacobs, D.F., J.A. Oliet, J. Aronson, A. Bolte, J.M. Bullock, P.J. Donoso, S.M. Landhäusser, P. Madsen, S. Peng, J.M. Rey-Benayas &  J.C. Weber 2015. Restoring Forests: What Constitutes Success in the 21st Century? New Forests 46:601-614. http://dx.10.1007/s11056-015-9513-5169

Kattan, J. Aronson & C. Murcia 2016. Does the novel ecosystem concept provide a framework for practical applications and a path forward? A reply to Miller and Bestelmeyer. Restoration Ecology 24: 714-716. [online] URL: http://dx.doi:10.1111/rec.12453

Köhler, T., de Wit, M.P. 2019. Economic Growth and Environmental Degradation: Investigating the existence of the environmental Kuznets curve for local and global pollutants in South Africa. Stellenbosch University, Department of Economics Working Papers.

Lavialle, J., S. M. Carrière, C. Miandrimanana, A. Tilahimena, C. Birkinshaw & J. Aronson 2015. Unexpected complementarity of native and introduced tree species for biodiversity conservation and local uses: exploring ecosystem services supply on the East Coast of Madagascar. Madagascar Conservation & Development 10, S3:137-143. http://dx.10.431 4/mcd.v1 0i3s.6

Levy-Tacher, S.I., I. Vleut, F. Román-Dañobeytia, J. Castellanos-Albores & J. Aronson 2015. Balsa (Ochroma pyramidale) plantation facilitates regeneration and long-term bracken fern control in the Neotropics. Forests 6: 2163-2177; doi:10.3390/f6062163

Liu, J., M. Calmon, A. Clewell, J. Liu, B. Denjean, V. Lex Engel, J. Aronson 2016. South-south cooperation for large-scale ecological restoration. Restoration Ecology 25:27-32.

Mander, M., Jewitt, G., Dini, J. Glenday, J., Blignaut, J.N, Hughes, C., Marais, C., Maze, K., van der Waal, B., Mills, A.  2017.  Modelling potential hydrological returns from investing in ecological infrastructure: case studies from the Baviaanskloof-Tsitsikamma and uMngeni catchments, South Africa.  Ecosystem Services, 27:261-271.

Mazón, M., N, Aguirre, C. Echeverria, J. Aronson 2019. Monitoring attributes for ecological restoration in Latin America and the Caribbean region. Restoration Ecology. 27: 992-999.

McDonald, T., J. Aronson C. Eisenberg, G.D. Gann. K.W. Dixon, & J.G. Hallett 2019.  The SER standards, cultural ecosystems, and the nature-culture nexus – a reply to Evans & Davis. Restoration Ecology. https://doi.10.1111/rec.12913

Midgley, S., Drimie, S., von Loeper, W., Mudavanhu, S., Blignaut, J.N., Knot, J.... 2015. Implications for a future agrarian structure in South Africa based on conservation and sustainable agriculture: alignment of a multi-institutional and multi-policy landscape. Pretoria: Green Fund, 1-21.

Miller, J.S., P. P. Lowry, J. Aronson, S. Blackmore, K. Havens & J. Maschinski 2016. Conserving Biodiversity through Ecological Restoration: The Potential Contributions of Botanical Gardens and Arboreta. Candollea 71:91-98. Online ISSN: 2235-3658

Mills, A.J., Van der Vyver, M., Gordon, I.J., Patwardhan, A., Marais, C., Blignaut, J., Sigwela, A., Kgope, B. 2015. Prescribing innovation within a large-scale restoration programme in degraded subtropical thicket in South Africa.  Forests, 6:4328-4348; doi:10.3390/f6114328.

Moreno-Mateos, D. & J. Aronson 2015. Pertes écologiques potentielles associées aux actions de restauration dans le cadre des mesures compensatoires pour la biodiversité. (Potential ecological loss of restoration in the framework of biodiversity offsets.) In: H. Levrel, N. Frascaria-Lacoste, J. Hay, G. Martin, & S. Pioch, editors. Restaurer la nature pour compenser les impacts du développement. QUAE, Paris. Pp. 210-215.

Moreno-Mateos, D., E. B. Barbier, P. C. Jones, H. P. Jones, J. Aronson, M.L. McCrackin, P. Meli, D. Montoya & J. M. Rey Benayas 2017. Anthropogenic ecosystem disturbance and the recovery debt. Nature Communications 8, 14163 [online] URL: 10.1038/ncomms14163.

Moreno-Mateos, D., P. Meli, M.I. Vara Rodriguez & J. Aronson 2015. Similar responses to different intervention approaches in restored and created wetland ecosystems. J. Applied Ecology 52: 1528–1537.

Morokong, T and Blignaut, J.N. 2020. A comparative assessment of the contribution of two different models for clearing invasive alien plants using grazing regimes in the Eastern Cape, South Africa.   African journal of Range and Forage Science, pages 1-11,

Morokong, T., and Blignaut, J.N. 2019. Benefits and costs of restoring soil erosion using rock pack structures: The case of Mutale Local Municipality, Limpopo Province, South Africa.  Land use policy, 83:512-522,

Morokong, T., Blignaut, J., Nkambule, N., Mudavanhu, S. and Vundla, T. 2018. Assessing the viable agricultural land use options after clearing invasive alien plants in the Mokolo catchment, Limpopo province, South Africa.  Agrekon, 57(3-4): 266–283.

Morokong, T., Blignaut, J., Nkambule, N.P., Mudavanhu, S., and Vundla, T. 2016.  Clearing invasive alien plants as a cost-effective strategy for water catchment management: The case of Olifants River catchment, South Africa. SAJEMS, 195:774-787,

Morokong, T., Blignaut, J.N. and Bester, R. 2017.  Determining the efficiency of contractors in clearing invasive alien plant Species: The case of Mopani District, Limpopo Province, South Africa.  African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 12(4):276-288.

Mudavanhu, S., Blignaut, J., Nkambule, N.P., Morokong, T., and Vundla, T. 2016 A cost-benefit analysis of using Rooikrans as biomass feedstock for electricity generation: A case study of the De Hoop Nature Reserve, South Africa.  SAJEMS, 19(5):788-813,

Mudavanhu, S., Blignaut, J.N., Nkambule, N.P., Vundla, T., and Morokong, T. 2017. A cost-benefit analysis of clearing invasive alien plants in the Berg River quaternary catchment of South Africa. African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 12(4):289-321.

Mudavanhu, S., Blignaut, J.N., Stegmann, N., Barnes, G., Prinsloo, W., and Tuckett, A. 2017.  The economic value of ecosystem goods and services: the case of Mogale’s Gate Biodiversity Centre, South Africa.  Ecosystem services, 26:127-136, doi. 10.1016/j.ecoser.2017.06.005.

Mudavanhu, S., Blignaut, J.N., Vink, N., Crookes, D., and Nkambule, N. 2017.  An economic analysis of different land-use options to assist in the control of the invasive Prosopis (Mesquite) tree. African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 12(4):366-411.

Mudavanhu, S., Blignaut, J.N., Vink, N., Crookes, D., Meicken, M., Effah, B., Murima, D.R. and Nkambule, N. 2017.  An assessment of the costs and benefits of using Acacia saligna (Port Jackson) and recycled thermoplastics for the production of wood polymer composites in the Western Cape province, South Africa. African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 12(4):322-365.

Murcia, C., M. R. Guariguata, A. Andrade, G.I. Andrade, J. Aronson, E. M. Escobar, A. Etter, F.H. Moreno, W. Ramírez & E. Montes 2015. Challenges and prospects for scaling-up ecological restoration in response to international treaties: Colombia as a case study. Conservation Letters 9: 213–220. doi: 10.1111/conl.12199

Nabhan, G. P., Riordan, E. L.S. Monti, J. Aronson, J. Mabry, A. Rea, W. Hodgson, G. Barron-Gafford, B. Wilder, T. Crews & C. Khoury, C. 2020. An Aridamerican model for agriculture in a hotter, water-scarce world. Plants, People, Planet. 2(6)

Nabhan, G.P., L. Orlando, L.S. Monti & J. Aronson 2020. Hands-On Ecological Restoration as a Nature-Based Health Intervention: Reciprocal Restoration for People and Ecosystems. Journal of Ecopsychology.

Nkambule, N.P., and Blignaut, J.N. 2017. The externality costs of the coal-fuel cycle: the case of Kusile power station. SA journal of Science, 113(9/10) sajs.2017/20160314.

Nkambule, N.P., Blignaut, J.N., Vundla, T., Morokong, T., Mudavanhu, S.  2017. The benefits and costs of clearing invasive alien plants in northern Zululand, South Africa.  Ecosystem Services, 27:203-223.

Okoliko, D.A., de Wit, M.P. 2020. Media (ted) Climate Change in Africa and Public Engagement: A Systematic Review of Relevant Literature. African Journalism Studies 41 (1), 65-83.

Pérez, D.R., C. Pilustrelli, F. M. Farinaccio, G. Sabino & J. Aronson 2019. Evaluating success of various restorative interventions through drone- and field-collected data, using six putative framework species in Argentinian Patagonia. Restoration Ecology. 28, S1. https://doi. 10.1111/rec.13025.

Pérez, D.R., F. González, C Ceballos, M. E. Oneto, J. Aronson 2019. Direct seeding and outplanting in degraded drylands of Argentinian Patagonia:  estimated costs and prospects for large-scale restoration and rehabilitation. Restoration Ecology 27: 1105-1116.

Pérez, D.R., F. M. Farinaccio & J. Aronson 2018. Towards a Dryland Framework Species Approach. Research in progress in the Monte Austral of Argentina. J. Arid Environments 161:1-10.

Pioch, S. & J. Aronson 2017. La restauration et l’ingénierie écologiques pour une gestion durable des milieux marins naturels (Ecological restoration and Engineering for sustainable management) In: A. Euzen, F. Gaill, D. Lacroix & P. Cury (Eds.), L'Océan à Découvert, CNRS Éditions, Paris. Pp. 286-287. (In French).

Preston, I.R., Le Maitre, D.C., Blignaut, J.N., Louw, L., and Palmer, C.G. 2018.  The impact of invasive alien plants on water provision in selected catchments. WaterSA, 44(4):719-729.

Reid, J.L. & J Aronson 2017. Ecological Restoration in a Changing Biosphere. Missouri Botanical Garden 102:185–187.

Richards, R.C., J. Rerolle, J. Aronson, P. H. Pereira, H. Gonçalves & P. H. S. Brancalion 2015.  Governing a pioneer program on Payment for Watershed Services: stakeholder involvement, legal frameworks and early lessons from the Atlantic Forest of Brazil. Ecosystem Services 16: 23–32.

Santos, J., M. Al-Azzawi, J. Aronson & T. J. Flowers 2015.  eHALOPH a Database of Salt-Tolerant Plants: Helping put Halophytes to Work. Plant and Cell Physiology. 57(1):e10. 10.1093/pcp/pcv155

Simberloff, D., C. Murcia & J. Aronson 2015. “Novel ecosystems” are a Trojan horse for conservation. Ensia.

Stafford, W. and Blignaut, J.N.  2017.  Reducing landscape restoration cost: Feasibility of generating electricity from invasive alien plant biomass on the Agulhas Plain, South Africa. Ecosystem services, 27:224-231.

Stafford, W., Birch, C., Etter, H., Blanchard, R., Mudavanhu, S., Angelstam, P., Blignaut, J.N., Ferreira, L., and Marais, C.  2017. The economics of landscape restoration in South Africa and Namibia: benefits of controlling bush encroachment and invasive plant species with opportunities for biomass utilisation. Ecosystem Services, 27:193-202.

Thondhlana, G., S. Shackleton, and Blignaut, J.  2015.  Local institutions, actors and natural resource governance in Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park and surrounds, South Africa. Land Use Policy, 47: 121-129, 10.1016/j.landusepol.2015.03.013.

Tolvanen, A. & J. Aronson 2016. Ecological Restoration, Ecosystem Services and Land Use. A European perspective. Ecology & Society (4):47.

Turpie, J.K., Forsythe, K.J., Knowles, A., Blignaut, J.N. and Letley, G. 2017. Mapping and valuation of South Africa’s ecosystem services: a local perspective.  Ecosystem Services, 27:179-192.

Van Heerden, J.H., Blignaut, J.N., Bohlmann, H.R., Cartwright, A., Diederichs, N., and Mander, M. 2016.  The social and economic effects of a carbon tax in South Africa: a dynamic CGE modelling approach.  SAJEMS, 19(5):714-732,

Vundla, T., Blignaut, J.N. and Crookes, D.  2017.  Aquatic weeds: To control or not to control. The case of the Midmar Dam, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.   African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 12(4):412-429.

Vundla, T., Blignaut, J.N. and Crookes, D.  2017.  Financing active restoration in South Africa: An evaluation of different institutional models. African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 12(4):430-453.

Vundla, T., Nkambule, N.P., Blignaut, J.N., Morokong, T., Mudavanhu, S.  2016.  The opportunity cost of not utilising the woody invasive alien plant species in the Kouga, Krom and Baviaans catchments in South Africa. SAJEMS, 19(5):814-830,

Zuleta, G., A.E. Rovere, D. Pérez, P.I. Campanello, B.G. Johnson, P. Escartín, A. Dalmasso, D. Renison, N. Ciano & J. Aronson 2015. Establishing the ecological restoration network of Argentina: From Rio1992 to SIACRE2015. Restoration Ecology 23: 95-103.